How to find the right sherpa fur
big ball effects sherpa faux fur
Rex rabbit faux fur with leopard prining
Nov. 09, 2016
As we all know, pet fleece faux fur is more popular that real fur. Can you tell the faux fur from animal?
Here are some tips on how to tell faux fur from real animal fur without a microscope:
1. Don't go by feel and don't go by color. The new fake fur is actually softer than some real fur. And it can be dyed any color.
2. Look at the tips of the hairs. If the tips taper to a fine point like a cat's whisker or a sewing needle or a a sharpened pencil, it's animal fur. If not, it's probably faux fur (though not necessarily).
3. If you (carefully) burn a couple of hairs of a sample and it smells like human hair, it's real animal fur. Fake fur is made from plastics and will give off a distinct chemical smell when burned.
SEETEX, a faux fur fabric manufacturer in China, promise that each our fabric is faux fur not real fur.